HSCTF10 - web/Very Secure
Write-up for HSCTF10 web challenge - Very Secure
Description: This website is obviously 100% secure
The flask secret is not complex.
generates 65, 536 (256 * 256). which is brute-forcable.
Reading the source also shows that to get the flag the session should be name = admin
For the wordlist used in brute-forcing. I generated a wordlist file using the ff python script. This script generates all possible combinations from the os.urandom(2)
To solve, finding the secret key and setting the session name to admin
is required. First get a sample session cookie from a website. Flask tokens can be brute-forced using the tool flask-unsign
The following command generates a new flask session.
Change session token on the site to get the flag
flag: flag{h0w_d1d_y0u_cr4ck_th3_k3y??}
Attack Chain
- Learn that the flask secret is not complex
- Get a sample session cookie from the website
- Generate bytes wordlist using python
- brute-force secret:
flask-unsign --wordlist bytes_list.txt --unsign --cookie $cookie
- generate cookie:
flask-unsign --cookie "{'name': 'admin'}" --secret $secret
- Change session token on the website